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We have a wealth of experience in using tracers to track and quantify the fate of sprays in the environment, either in the field or in our bespoke wind tunnel. 


Using tracers has significant advantages as an alternative to the real chemical under investigation because they are stable, cheap to analyse and have well-defined limits of quantification.  However, we can also trace the active ingredient or breakdown products where necessary, particularly where volatilisation or uptake into plant material may occur, by subcontracting the analysis to an external laboratory.


We conduct spray drift experiments to characterise the drift-reducing capability of equipment, of formulations and additives and to provide data relevant to exposures for regulatory purposes.  This can be either in a wind tunnel to minimise the cost, or where necessary, out in the field.


We are one of two UK laboratories that is accredited by UK Chemicals Regulation Directorate to undertake star-rating assessments for nozzles, and the only one with a wind tunnel protocol designed for this purpose.   We can also obtain data to submit to the French and German authorities for drift reduction classification.


Our star-rating tests and our work with tracers is independently accredited to ISO 17025 by the UK Accreditation Service (UKAS) – see Quality for more information


We have simple experimental techniques for quantifying volatilisation of pesticides or chemicals in a controlled wind tunnel environment or can conduct similar experiments in the field.

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